Want to give it a try? Book a trial session! 想嘗試一下? 立即聯絡我們,安排試堂吧!
When there is a course and time slot you areinterested in, we will schedule a trial session foryour child(ren). The first lesson will be the trialsession. The trial report will be issued within 3days after the session. 當有課程時間合適,我們會為孩子安排試堂。
第一堂為試堂, 試堂報告將會在試堂後3天內會發出。 If the course is suitable for your child(ren), wewill arrange an official enrolment. The trialsession will be charged as the first lesson. 如果課堂合適的話,我們會安排正式入班。
將需要收取試堂的費用為第一堂的學費。 If the course is not suitable for your child(ren),we will not request any payment. 如果課堂不合適的話,我們將不會收取任何費用。
Pre-Kinder Smarts 幼兒唱遊班
build children’s social and emotional
skills in an English-only environment在英語環境中培養孩子的社交和情緒技能
designed based on the UK Early Years
Foundation Framework 基於英國早期教育基礎架構設計
suitable for 2-year-old children 適合已滿兩歲的學童報
Phonics Smarts 英語拼音班
a fundamental skill to obtain, once
achieved, the basic skills of reading,
speaking and pronunciation fall into
place 一項基本技能,有助孩子發展閱讀、口語和發音等技能
provide a fun-filled entertaining
classroom environment for children to learn 為孩子提供一個充滿樂趣的娛樂教室環境。
based on the syllabus of Jolly Phonics 課程根據 Jolly Phonics 課程大綱設計
receive a certificate of completion after
each level 讀畢每個等級後會收到一張修業證書
suitable for kindergarten and primary school children 適合幼稚園及小學學童報讀
Grammar Smarts 英語文法班
provide an enlightening and broad
perspective on the fundamentals of English grammar 以啟發性和廣闊的視角學習英語文法基礎
make clear distinctions between the
various verb tenses and aspects 明確區分各種動詞時態和不同的語法要點
suitable for pre-primary and primary
school children 適合準小學及小學學童報讀
Writing Smarts 英文寫作班
develops children’s writing skills and
teaches them to write correctly, clearly and concisely 培養孩子的寫作能力,學會正確、清晰地寫作
learn how to adapt the writing to suit a
range of situations 了解如何調整寫作以適應各種情況
suitable for pre-primary, primary and
lower-secondary school childre 適合準小學,小學及初中學童報讀
Trinity GESE Speaking Smarts 英語會話班 (1 hour / 一小時)
provide an enjoyable and effective wayto improve children’s speaking skill 提供一種有趣且有效的方式來提高孩子的口語技巧
allow children to achieve English fluencyand learn to speak with confidence andvocabulary words in everyday English 讓孩子達到流利的英語水平,並學會自信地說話和日常英語中有用的詞彙
based on the syllabus of Trinity GESE 基於聖三一GESE課程大綱設計
- suitable for kindergarten, primary andlower-secondary school students 適合幼稚園,小學及初中學童報讀
Examination Periods 考試時間
Students can apply for the officialCambridge English Examinations after eachlevel 學生可在修畢各個課程後報考相應的考試
We are the authorized Trinity GESEExamination Centre. We organiseexaminations every March, May, August andDecember 我們是聖三一國際口試的官方認可考試場地。
Cambridge Smarts 劍橋英語班
covers the four language skills: Reading,
Writing, Listening & Speaking 著重於孩子的英語閱讀、寫作、聽力和口語技能
prepare for the English tests with our
customised workbooks 使用針對考試定制的練習冊,進行各種不同的練習
suitable for kindergarten, primary and
lower-secondary school students 適合幼稚園,小學及初中孩子報讀
Students can apply for the official
Cambridge English Examinations after each
level 學生可在修畢各個課程後報考相應的考試
We are the authorized Cambridge English
Examination Centre. We organise
examinations every March, May, August and
December 我們是劍橋英語國際考試的官方認可考試場地。我們在每年的3月,5月,8月及12月舉行考試